第一条 研究生申请学位的学术成果是评价学位论文水平的重要参考,由研究生攻读相应学位期间在指导教师指导下独立完成,应与学位论文相关并在学位论文中充分展现。
第二条 用于申请学位的学术成果,研究生第一署名单位必须为湖南大学。非特别说明,研究生应为学术成果第一完成人,或指导教师为第一完成人、研究生为第二完成人。
第三条 学术学位博士研究生攻读学位期间取得的学术成果须同时满足条件(一)及条件(二)中任意一项,可以申请博士学位:
2. 在学科领域的代表性国际会议上宣读论文或在全国性重要会议上宣读论文并获奖励(会议类型见附件二);
3. 在院定重要出版社出版专著(出版社要求见附件三,字数15万字及以上)1本;
4. 以第一发明人获国内外发明专利授权(不含实用新型专利和外观设计专利),且专利内容与学位论文密切相关;
5. 形成C类及以上级别智库成果(智库成果分类见附件四);或在《人民日报理论版》、《光明日报理论版》、《经济日报理论版》发表1篇;
6. 获二类及以上重要成果奖励(具体要求见附件五)。
第四条 学术学位硕士研究生攻读学位期间取得的学术成果满足下列条件之一,可以申请硕士学位:
(一)在院定C类及以上级别学术期刊上发表学术论文 1 篇。学术论文含录用,但必须由研究生和导师在加盖期刊编辑部公章的录用通知上签字确认其真实有效性并对之负责,且答辩前须正式发表或在线发表;论文作者打印出的在期刊编辑部官方投稿系统中显示投稿和审稿流程、审稿意见和录用意见,或打印出含时间、编辑部邮箱、标题等信息的论文投稿、审稿意见及录用意见的往来电子邮件均视为有效录用通知。
第五条 专业学位硕士研究生攻读学位期间取得的学术成果满足下列条件之一,可以申请硕士学位(认定具体要求详见附件七)。
第六条 研究生申请博士、硕士学位至少三个月前,通过学术报告或预答辩等方式,组织五名(含)学位委员会成员(博导应占2/3以上)对学位论文的核心成果进行集体评议,经投票表决通过后方可进入盲审程序,评议结果作为附件编入学位论文。
第七条 由国家留学基金委派出的联合培养研究生,允许使用满足以下条件的学术论文申请学位:在院定B+及以上级别学术期刊上发表,联合培养导师为第一作者且研究生为第二作者,湖南大学为研究生的第一署名单位。
第八条 57365z线路检测中心核心学术期刊目录以2020年1月6日发布的《57365z线路检测中心核心期刊目录》为准。研究生中文重点期刊以57365z线路检测中心发布的《湖南大学研究生中文重点期刊目录》为准。非特别说明,中文期刊论文必须已正式发表,英文期刊论文已接受发表或者在线发表。
第九条 本要求由57365z线路检测中心学位评定分委员会负责解释。
第十条 本要求从2021级研究生开始执行,2021级以前各级研究生可参照执行。
附件:1. 57365z线路检测中心核心期刊目录
2. 国内国际学术重要学术会议认定
3. 重要出版社目录
4. 智库成果认定
5. 重要成果获奖认定
6. 湖南大学A类学科竞赛
7. 57365z线路检测中心专业学位硕士成果要求
序 号 |
期刊分类 |
期刊名称 |
1 |
A+ |
中国社会科学 |
2 |
A+ |
经济研究 |
3 |
A+ |
管理世界 |
4 |
A |
金融研究 |
5 |
A |
中国工业经济 |
6 |
A |
世界经济 |
7 |
A |
经济学季刊 |
8 |
A |
管理科学学报 |
9 |
A |
数量经济技术经济研究 |
10 |
A |
统计研究 |
11 |
A |
中国农村经济 |
12 |
A |
求 是 |
13 |
B+ |
财贸经济 |
14 |
B+ |
经济学动态 |
15 |
B+ |
国际金融研究 |
16 |
B+ |
中国人口科学 |
17 |
B+ |
农业经济问题 |
18 |
B+ |
系统工程理论与实践 |
19 |
B+ |
会计研究 |
20 |
B+ |
中国管理科学 |
21 |
B+ |
南开管理评论 |
22 |
B+ |
中国软科学 |
23 |
B |
国际贸易问题 |
24 |
B |
经济理论与经济管理 |
25 |
B |
经济科学 |
26 |
B |
财经研究 |
27 |
B |
经济学家 |
28 |
B |
经济社会体制比较 |
29 |
B |
改革 |
30 |
B |
经济评论 |
31 |
B |
南开经济研究 |
32 |
B |
中国农村观察 |
33 |
B |
农业技术经济 |
34 |
B |
保险研究 |
35 |
B |
社会保障研究 |
36 |
B |
世界经济与政治 |
37 |
B |
人口研究 |
38 |
B |
系统工程学报 |
39 |
B |
科研管理 |
40 |
B |
管理评论 |
41 |
B |
管理工程学报 |
42 |
B |
管理科学 |
43 |
B |
经济管理(学术版) |
44 |
B |
情报学报 |
45 |
B |
科学学研究 |
46 |
B |
管理学报 |
47 |
B |
中国人口资源环境 |
48 |
B |
科学学与科学技术管理 |
49 |
B |
数理统计与管理 |
50 |
B |
中国科学:数学 |
51 |
B |
中国高校社会科学 |
52 |
B |
新华文摘全文转载 |
53 |
B |
人民日报理论版 |
54 |
B |
光明日报理论版 |
55 |
B |
经济日报理论版 |
注:非经管和统计之外的校定A 类中文期刊对应的标准为:A2 类对应院定A,A3 类对应院定B。
序 号 |
期刊分类 |
期刊名称 |
1 |
A+ |
Accounting Review |
2 |
A+ |
Accounting, Organizations and Society |
3 |
A+ |
Journal of Accounting and Economics |
4 |
A+ |
Journal of Accounting Research |
5 |
A+ |
American Economic Review |
6 |
A+ |
Econometrica |
7 |
A+ |
Journal of Political Economy |
8 |
A+ |
Quarterly Journal of Economics |
9 |
A+ |
Review of Economic Studies |
10 |
A+ |
Economic Journal |
11 |
A+ |
International Economic Review |
12 |
A+ |
Journal of Economic Theory |
13 |
A+ |
Journal of International Economics |
14 |
A+ |
Journal of Labor Economics |
15 |
A+ |
Journal of Monetary Economics |
16 |
A+ |
Journal of Econometrics |
17 |
A+ |
Review of Economics and Statistics |
18 |
A+ |
Journal of Public Economics |
19 |
A+ |
Journal of Finance |
20 |
A+ |
Journal of Financial Economics |
21 |
A+ |
Review of Financial Studies |
22 |
A+ |
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis |
23 |
A+ |
Journal of International Business Studies |
24 |
A+ |
Management Science |
25 |
A+ |
Operations Research |
26 |
A+ |
Annals of Statistics |
27 |
A+ |
Journal of the American Statistical Association |
28 |
A+ |
Biometrika |
29 |
A+ |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series B) |
30 |
A |
Contemporary Accounting Research |
31 |
A |
Review of Accounting Studies |
32 |
A |
Econometric Theory |
33 |
A |
Journal of Economic Literature |
34 |
A |
Journal of Economic Perspectives |
35 |
A |
Journal of the European Economic Association |
36 |
A |
RAND Journal of Economics |
37 |
A |
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty |
38 |
A |
Journal of Corporate Finance |
39 |
A |
Journal of Financial Intermediation |
40 |
A |
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking |
41 |
A |
Review of Finance (formerly European Finance Review) |
42 |
A |
Financial Analysts Journal |
43 |
A |
Financial Management (USA) |
44 |
A |
Insurance, Mathematics and Economics |
45 |
A |
Journal of Banking and Finance |
46 |
A |
Journal of Empirical Finance |
47 |
A |
Journal of Financial Econometrics |
48 |
A |
Journal of Financial Markets |
49 |
A |
Journal of Risk and Insurance |
50 |
A |
Mathematical Finance |
51 |
A |
Review of Asset Pricing Studies |
52 |
A |
Review of Corporate Finance Studies |
53 |
A |
North American Actuarial Journal |
54 |
A |
Journal of International Money and Finance |
55 |
A |
Journal of World Business (formerly Columbia JWB) |
56 |
A |
European Journal of Operational Research |
57 |
A |
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation |
58 |
A |
Mathematical Programming |
59 |
A |
60 |
A |
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics |
61 |
A |
Annals of Applied Statistics |
62 |
A |
Journal of Machine LearningResearch |
63 |
A |
Annals of Probability |
64 |
A |
Statistical Science |
65 |
A |
Bernoulli |
66 |
A |
Biometrics |
67 |
A |
Statistica Sinica |
68 |
A |
Probability Theory and Related Fields |
69 |
B+ |
Abacus |
70 |
B+ |
Accounting and Business Research |
71 |
B+ |
Accounting Forum |
72 |
B+ |
Accounting Horizons |
73 |
B+ |
Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal |
74 |
B+ |
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory |
75 |
B+ |
Behavioral Research in Accounting |
76 |
B+ |
British Accounting Review |
77 |
B+ |
British Tax Review |
78 |
B+ |
Critical Perspectives on Accounting |
79 |
B+ |
European Accounting Review |
80 |
B+ |
Financial Accountability and Management |
81 |
B+ |
Foundations and Trends in Accounting |
82 |
B+ |
International Journal of Accounting |
83 |
B+ |
Journal of Accounting and PublicPolicy |
84 |
B+ |
Journal of Accounting Literature |
85 |
B+ |
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance |
86 |
B+ |
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting |
87 |
B+ |
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation |
88 |
B+ |
Journal of the American Taxation Association |
89 |
B+ |
Management Accounting Research |
90 |
B+ |
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics |
91 |
B+ |
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy |
92 |
B+ |
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics |
93 |
B+ |
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics |
94 |
B+ |
American Journal of Agricultural Economics |
95 |
B+ |
Annual Review of Economics |
96 |
B+ |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
97 |
B+ |
Cambridge Journal of Economics |
98 |
B+ |
Canadian Journal of Economics |
99 |
B+ |
Ecological Economics |
100 |
B+ |
Econometric Reviews |
101 |
B+ |
Econometrics Journal |
102 |
B+ |
Economic Development and Cultural Change |
103 |
B+ |
Economic Inquiry |
104 |
B+ |
Economic Policy |
105 |
B+ |
Economic Theory |
106 |
B+ |
Economica |
107 |
B+ |
Economics Letters |
108 |
B+ |
Energy Economics |
109 |
B+ |
Environmental and Resource Economics |
110 |
B+ |
European Economic Review |
111 |
B+ |
European Review of Agricultural Economics |
112 |
B+ |
Experimental Economics |
113 |
B+ |
Games and Economic Behavior |
114 |
B+ |
Health Economics |
115 |
B+ |
IMF Economic Review (formerly IMF Staff Papers with ISSN 1020-7635) |
116 |
B+ |
International Journal of Industrial Organization |
117 |
B+ |
Journal of Agricultural Economics |
118 |
B+ |
Journal of Applied Econometrics |
119 |
B+ |
Journal of Comparative Economics |
120 |
B+ |
Journal of Development Economics |
121 |
B+ |
Journal of Economic Behavior andOrganization |
122 |
B+ |
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control |
123 |
B+ |
Journal of Economic Growth |
124 |
B+ |
Journal of Environmental Economics andManagement |
125 |
B+ |
Journal of Health Economics |
126 |
B+ |
Journal of Human Resources |
127 |
B+ |
Journal of Industrial Economics |
128 |
B+ |
Journal of Institutional Economics |
129 |
B+ |
Journal of Law and Economics |
130 |
B+ |
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization |
131 |
B+ |
Journal of Legal Studies |
132 |
B+ |
Journal of Mathematical Economics |
133 |
B+ |
Journal of Population Economics |
134 |
B+ |
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists |
135 |
B+ |
Journal of Urban Economics |
136 |
B+ |
Labour Economics |
137 |
B+ |
Land Economics |
138 |
B+ |
Oxford Economics Papers |
139 |
B+ |
Public Choice |
140 |
B+ |
Quantitative Economics |
141 |
B+ |
Real Estate Economics |
142 |
B+ |
Review of Economic Dynamics |
143 |
B+ |
Review of Income and Wealth |
144 |
B+ |
Scandinavian Journal of Economics |
145 |
B+ |
Social Choice and Welfare |
146 |
B+ |
Theoretical Economics |
147 |
B+ |
World Bank Economic Review |
148 |
B+ |
Annual Review of Financial Economics |
149 |
B+ |
Corporate Governance: An International Review |
150 |
B+ |
European Financial Management |
151 |
B+ |
European Journal of Finance |
152 |
B+ |
Finance and Stochastics |
153 |
B+ |
Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments |
154 |
B+ |
Financial Review |
155 |
B+ |
International Journal of Finance andEconomics |
156 |
B+ |
International Review of Financial Analysis |
157 |
B+ |
Journal of Financial Research |
158 |
B+ |
Journal of Financial Services Research |
159 |
B+ |
Journal of Financial Stability |
160 |
B+ |
Journal of Futures Markets |
161 |
B+ |
Journal of International Financial Markets,Institutions and Money |
162 |
B+ |
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics |
163 |
B+ |
Quantitative Finance |
164 |
B+ |
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting |
165 |
B+ |
Geneva Risk and Insurance Review |
166 |
B+ |
ASTIN Bulletin: Journal of InternationalActuarial Association |
167 |
B+ |
International Review of Finance |
168 |
B+ |
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal |
169 |
B+ |
African Affairs |
170 |
B+ |
Asia Pacific Journal of Management |
171 |
B+ |
International Business Review |
172 |
B+ |
Journal of Common Market Studies |
173 |
B+ |
Journal of International Management |
174 |
B+ |
Management and Organization Review |
175 |
B+ |
Management International Review |
176 |
B+ |
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (formerly "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans") |
177 |
B+ |
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation |
178 |
B+ |
Annals of Operations Research |
179 |
B+ |
Computational Optimization and Applications |
180 |
B+ |
Computers and Operations Research |
181 |
B+ |
Decision Sciences |
182 |
B+ |
Evolutionary Computation |
183 |
B+ |
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making |
184 |
B+ |
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (formerly "IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C (Applications and Reviews)") |
185 |
B+ |
IIE Transactions |
186 |
B+ |
INFORMS Journal on Computing |
187 |
B+ |
International Journal of Forecasting |
188 |
B+ |
Journal of Heuristics |
189 |
B+ |
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications |
190 |
B+ |
Journal of the Operational Research Society |
191 |
B+ |
Mathematics of Operations Research |
192 |
B+ |
Naval Research Logistics |
193 |
B+ |
Omega: The International Journal of Management Science |
194 |
B+ |
OR Spectrum |
195 |
B+ |
Reliability Engineering and System Safety |
196 |
B+ |
SIAM Journal on Optimization |
197 |
B+ |
Transportation Science |
198 |
B+ |
Journal of Multivariate Analysis |
199 |
B+ |
200 |
B+ |
201 |
B+ |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series C: Applied Statistics) |
202 |
B+ |
Journal of Time Series Analysis |
203 |
B+ |
International Statistical Review |
204 |
B+ |
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference |
205 |
B+ |
206 |
B+ |
Technometrics |
207 |
B+ |
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics |
208 |
B+ |
Bioinformatics |
209 |
B+ |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A: Statistics in Society) |
210 |
B+ |
Annals of Applied Probability |
211 |
B+ |
212 |
B+ |
Statistical Methods in Medical Research |
213 |
B+ |
Statistics in Medicince |
214 |
B+ |
Biostatistics |
215 |
B+ |
Stochastic Processes and Their Applications |
216 |
B |
Accounting and Finance |
217 |
B |
Accounting and the Public Interest |
218 |
B |
Accounting in Europe |
219 |
B |
Accounting Research Journal |
220 |
B |
Accounting, Economics and Law - A Convivium |
221 |
B |
Advances in Accounting (incorporates "Advances in International Accounting" ISSN 0897-3660) |
222 |
B |
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research |
223 |
B |
Advances in Management Accounting |
224 |
B |
Advances in Taxation |
225 |
B |
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics |
226 |
B |
Asian Review of Accounting |
227 |
B |
Australian Accounting Review |
228 |
B |
China Journal of Accounting Research |
229 |
B |
Current Issues in Auditing |
230 |
B |
International Journal of Accounting & Information Management |
231 |
B |
International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation (IJAAPE) |
232 |
B |
International Journal of Accounting InformationSystems |
233 |
B |
International Journal of Auditing |
234 |
B |
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance |
235 |
B |
International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting |
236 |
B |
Journal of Accounting and OrganizationalChange |
237 |
B |
Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies |
238 |
B |
Journal of Applied Accounting Research |
239 |
B |
Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics |
240 |
B |
Journal of International Accounting Research |
241 |
B |
Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting |
242 |
B |
Journal of Management Accounting Research (AAA) |
243 |
B |
Journal of Management Control |
244 |
B |
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management |
245 |
B |
Journal of Tax Administration |
246 |
B |
Managerial Auditing Journal |
247 |
B |
Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management |
248 |
B |
Research in Accounting Regulation |
249 |
B |
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal |
250 |
B |
Advances in Econometrics |
251 |
B |
Agricultural Economics |
252 |
B |
American Law and Economic Review |
253 |
B |
Annals of Economics and Finance |
254 |
B |
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics |
255 |
B |
Annual Review of Resource Economics |
256 |
B |
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (formery "Review of Agricultural Economics") |
257 |
B |
Applied Economics |
258 |
B |
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics |
259 |
B |
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy |
260 |
B |
B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics |
261 |
B |
B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics |
262 |
B |
Bulletin of Economic Research |
263 |
B |
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics |
264 |
B |
CESifo Economic Studies |
265 |
B |
China Economic Review |
266 |
B |
Contemporary Economic Policy |
267 |
B |
Contributions to Political Economy |
268 |
B |
Defence and Peace Economics |
269 |
B |
Economic Modelling |
270 |
B |
Economic Record |
271 |
B |
Economic Systems |
272 |
B |
Economic Systems Research |
273 |
B |
Economic Theory Bulletin |
274 |
B |
Economics and Human Biology |
275 |
B |
Economics and Philosophy |
276 |
B |
Economics and Politics |
277 |
B |
Economics of Education Review |
278 |
B |
Economics of Innovation and New Technology |
279 |
B |
Economics of Transition, The |
280 |
B |
Empirical Economics |
281 |
B |
Environment and Development Economics |
282 |
B |
European Journal of Health Economics |
283 |
B |
European Journal of Political Economy |
284 |
B |
Fiscal Studies |
285 |
B |
Geneva Risk and Insurance Review (formerly "Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory "with ISSN 0926-4957) |
286 |
B |
German Economic Review |
287 |
B |
Growth and Change |
288 |
B |
History of Political Economy |
289 |
B |
Information Economics and Policy |
290 |
B |
International Journal of Economic Theory |
291 |
B |
International Journal of Game Theory |
292 |
B |
International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics |
293 |
B |
International Journal of the Economics ofBusiness |
294 |
B |
International Review of Economics and Finance |
295 |
B |
International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics |
296 |
B |
International Review of Environmental Economics |
297 |
B |
International Review of Law andEconomics |
298 |
B |
IZA Journal of Labor Economics |
299 |
B |
IZA Journal of Migration |
300 |
B |
Japanese and International Economies |
301 |
B |
Journal of African Economies |
302 |
B |
Journal of Agrarian Change |
303 |
B |
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics |
304 |
B |
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly "Journal of Socio-Economics") |
305 |
B |
Journal of Business Economics |
306 |
B |
Journal of Consumer Policy |
307 |
B |
Journal of Cultural Economics |
308 |
B |
Journal of Economic Inequality |
309 |
B |
Journal of Economic Issues |
310 |
B |
Journal of Economic Methodology |
311 |
B |
Journal of Economic Studies |
312 |
B |
Journal of Economic Surveys |
313 |
B |
Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie) |
314 |
B |
Journal of Evolutionary Economics |
315 |
B |
Journal of Family Economic Issues |
316 |
B |
Journal of Forest Economics |
317 |
B |
Journal of Housing Economics |
318 |
B |
Journal of Industry, Competition andTrade |
319 |
B |
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics |
320 |
B |
Journal of International Development |
321 |
B |
Journal of Macroeconomics |
322 |
B |
Journal of Policy Modelling |
323 |
B |
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics |
324 |
B |
Journal of Productivity Analysis |
325 |
B |
Journal of Public Economic Theory |
326 |
B |
Journal of Regulatory Economics |
327 |
B |
Journal of Time Series Econometrics |
328 |
B |
Macroeconomic Dynamics |
329 |
B |
Managerial and Decision Economics |
330 |
B |
Manchester School |
331 |
B |
Mathematical Social Sciences |
332 |
B |
National Tax Journal |
333 |
B |
Networks and Spatial Economics |
334 |
B |
North American Journal of Economics andFinance |
335 |
B |
Open Economies Review |
336 |
B |
Oxford Development Studies |
337 |
B |
Oxford Review of Economic Policy |
338 |
B |
Pacific Economic Review |
339 |
B |
PharmacoEconomics |
340 |
B |
Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance |
341 |
B |
Rationality and Society |
342 |
B |
Resource and Energy Economics |
343 |
B |
Resources Policy |
344 |
B |
Review of Agricultural Economics (continued by "Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy") |
345 |
B |
Review of Behavioral Economics |
346 |
B |
Review of Development Economics |
347 |
B |
Review of Economic Design |
348 |
B |
Review of Economics of the Household |
349 |
B |
Review of Environmental Economics & Policy |
350 |
B |
Review of Industrial Organization |
351 |
B |
Review of International Economics |
352 |
B |
Review of Law and Economics |
353 |
B |
Review of Network Economics |
354 |
B |
Review of Political Economy |
355 |
B |
Review of World Economics |
356 |
B |
Scottish Journal of Political Economy |
357 |
B |
Southern Economic Journal |
358 |
B |
Spatial Economic Analysis |
359 |
B |
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics |
360 |
B |
World Bank Research Observer |
361 |
B |
World Economy |
362 |
B |
Annals of Finance |
363 |
B |
Applied Financial Economics |
364 |
B |
Applied Mathematical Finance |
365 |
B |
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets |
366 |
B |
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society |
367 |
B |
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade |
368 |
B |
Finance Research Letters |
369 |
B |
Foundations and Trends in Finance |
370 |
B |
Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice |
371 |
B |
Global Finance Journal |
372 |
B |
International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance |
373 |
B |
International Journal of Central Banking |
374 |
B |
International Journal of Managerial Finance |
375 |
B |
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance |
376 |
B |
International Tax and Public Finance |
377 |
B |
Journal of Alternative Investments |
378 |
B |
Journal of Asset Management |
379 |
B |
Journal of Banking Regulation |
380 |
B |
Journal of Behavioral Finance |
381 |
B |
Journal of Derivatives |
382 |
B |
Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds |
383 |
B |
Journal of Emerging Market Finance |
384 |
B |
Journal of Fixed Income |
385 |
B |
Journal of Multinational Financial Management |
386 |
B |
Journal of Operational Risk |
387 |
B |
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance |
388 |
B |
Journal of Portfolio Management |
389 |
B |
Journal of Risk |
390 |
B |
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal |
391 |
B |
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications |
392 |
B |
Research in International Business and Finance |
393 |
B |
Review of Accounting and Finance |
394 |
B |
Review of Derivatives Research |
395 |
B |
Review of Development Finance |
396 |
B |
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics |
397 |
B |
Asia Pacific Business Review |
398 |
B |
Asian Business and Management |
399 |
B |
China Quarterly |
400 |
B |
Critical Perspectives on International Business |
401 |
B |
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management |
402 |
B |
Emerging Markets Review |
403 |
B |
Eurasian Geography and Economics |
404 |
B |
Europe-Asia Studies |
405 |
B |
Global Networks |
406 |
B |
Journal of Business Economics and Management |
407 |
B |
Journal of Latin American Studies |
408 |
B |
Journal of Modern African Studies |
409 |
B |
Journal of World Trade |
410 |
B |
Multinational Business Review |
411 |
B |
Review of African Political Economy |
412 |
B |
Third World Quarterly |
413 |
B |
Thunderbird International Business Review |
414 |
B |
Transnational Corporations |
415 |
B |
4OR |
416 |
B |
Discrete Applied Mathematics |
417 |
B |
Discrete Optimization |
418 |
B |
Engineering Optimization |
419 |
B |
European Journal of Industrial Engineering |
420 |
B |
Group Decision and Negotiation |
421 |
B |
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics |
422 |
B |
Interfaces |
423 |
B |
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization |
424 |
B |
Journal of Forecasting |
425 |
B |
Operations Research Letters |
426 |
B |
Queuing Systems |
427 |
B |
Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory |
428 |
B |
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences: The International Journal of Public Sector Decision-Making |
429 |
B |
System Dynamics Review |
430 |
B |
Systems Research and Behavioral Science |
431 |
B |
Theory and Decision |
432 |
B |
STATA Journal |
433 |
B |
Journal of Applied Probability |
434 |
B |
435 |
B |
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics |
436 |
B |
437 |
B |
438 |
B |
439 |
B |
Science China:Mathematics |
440 |
B |
Test |
441 |
B |
Lifetime data analysis |
442 |
B |
443 |
B |
444 |
B |
445 |
B |
Statistics and Computing |
446 |
B |
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics |
447 |
B |
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics |
448 |
B |
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation |
449 |
B |
Metrika |
450 |
B |
451 |
B |
452 |
B |
453 |
B |
Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation |
454 |
B |
未列入 A+、A、B+、B 目录的其他 ABS、SSCI、SCI 期刊均为 C 类期刊
附件二 国际国内重要学术会议
1. 中国经济学年会
2. 中国金融学年会
3. 中国统计学年会
4. 中国数量经济学年会
5. 中国保险学会年会
6. 中国世界经济学年会
7. 中国国际金融学年会
8. 中国金融工程学年会
9. 中国管理学年会
10. 中国青年经济学家联谊会(YES)年会
11. 全国金融学博士生学术论坛
12. 世界计量经济学会世界经济学大会(World Congress)
13. 美国经济学年会
14. 美国金融学年会
15. 美国西部金融学年会
16. 欧洲工业经济学研究联合会年会
17. 欧洲金融学年会
18. 中国留美经济学会中国年会
附件三 重要出版社目录
附件四 智库成果认定
二、 智库成果认定等级
(一)A 级
(二)B 级
(三)C 级
三、 智库成果认定排名
附件五 重要成果获奖认定
① 国家级三大奖(自然科学奖、技术发明奖、科学技术进步奖)
② 教育部人文社科奖励
③ 孙冶方经济学奖等重要社会力量奖
① 湖南省三大奖(自然科学奖、技术发明奖、科学技术进步奖)
② 湖南省哲学社会科学奖
③ 中国人民银行、国家统计局、银保监会、商务发展研究成果奖等部级科学研究优秀成果奖
④ 安子介奖、浦山奖、刘诗白奖、洪银兴奖、张培刚奖等重要社会力量奖
参与一类重要成果获奖;或二类重要成果获奖一等奖(署名前 5 位)、二等奖(署名前 3 位)。
附件六 湖南大学A类学科竞赛
序号 |
赛事名称 |
1 |
中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 |
2 |
“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 |
3 |
“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划大赛 |
4 |
ACM-ICPC 国际大学生程序设计竞赛 |
5 |
全国大学生数学建模竞赛 |
6 |
全国大学生电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛 |
7 |
全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛 |
8 |
全国大学生创新创业训练计划年会展示 |
9 |
全国大学生机器人大赛-RoboMaster、RoboCon |
10 |
“西门子杯”中国智能制造挑战赛 |
11 |
中国大学生计算机设计大赛 |
12 |
全国大学生市场调查与分析大赛 |
13 |
中国大学生服务外包创新创业大赛 |
14 |
两岸新锐设计竞赛“华灿奖” |
15 |
中国高校计算大赛-大数据挑战赛、团体程序设计天梯赛、移动应用创新赛、网络技术挑战赛 |
16 |
中国机器人大赛暨 RoboCup 机器人世界杯中国赛 |
17 |
全国大学生信息安全竞赛 |
18 |
蓝桥杯全国软件和信息技术专业人才大赛 |
19 |
“中国软件杯”大学生软件设计大赛 |
20 |
中美青年创客大赛 |
21 |
中国创新创业大赛 |
22 |
全国大学生数学竞赛 |
23 |
全国大学生统计建模大赛 |
24 |
全国国际商务专业学位创新创业精英挑战赛 |
25 |
中国研究生智慧城市技术与创意设计大赛 |
26 |
中国研究生数学建模竞赛 |
27 |
全国研究生统计建模大赛 |
28 |
中国研究生人工智能创新大赛 |
29 |
中国研究生机器人创新设计大赛 |
30 |
中国能源工程设计大赛 |
31 |
中国研究生公共管理案例大赛 |
32 |
中国 MPAcc 学生案例大赛 |
33 |
湖南省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛 |
34 |
“挑战杯”湖南省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 |
35 |
“挑战杯”湖南省中国大学生创业计划大赛 |
36 |
湖南省创新创业大赛 |
37 |
湖南省大学生数学建模竞赛 |
38 |
湖南省大学生数学竞赛 |
39 |
湖南省大学生现代物流设计竞赛 |
40 |
湖南省大学生企业模拟经营竞赛 |
41 |
湖南省大学生物联网应用创新设计竞赛 |
42 |
湖南省大学生电子商务大赛 |
43 |
湖南省大学生测绘综合技能大赛 |
44 |
湖南省大学生财务大数据应用能力竞赛 |
45 |
湖南省高校研究生数学建模竞赛 |
46 |
湖南省高校 MPA 案例大赛 |
47 |
湖南省高校 MPAcc 企业案例大赛 |
附件七 57365z线路检测中心专业学位硕士成果要求